I have two for that very reason got one with the new machine and another at the same time when Chris delivered it.
6.1 has no dongle but potentially problems due to the remote control at the moment apparently (somebody in another room moving it while an operator has their hands inside)
I really need to do an update on this as I haven't posted about the 1290 for some time (3 years) I'll get something up as soon as I get a spare moment but suffice to say for now, another house and workshops move and the 90 is STILL running fine, total repair costs? £50 in bearings (after it spent an...
Yup belt skip, usually caused by the head hitting something that has tipped while it's being cut Likely 1 tooth...if the machine is still under warranty (it's not a warranty job as far as I know as it's mechanical damage) I would check with Chris or HPC in general before adjusting anything, you can ...
If it jumps a tooth on the Y rail it will cause an out of square in the X axis (in effect pulling the Gantry out of square with the side rails) had this happen to one of mine a few weeks back From memory the 90 has a single rod at the back with two belts, one either side, if the left or right belt h...
Hi Thanks everybody for your help. I live in the countryside and the water comes from a stream so it would be hard water, therefore a calcium build up would probably be in the tube, would I be able to use white vinegar and to what strength or is there any other acidic product you could recommend. T...
A tea spoon of Chlorine crystals that is used in home spa pools works, Chlorine kills everything (literally NO more than a tea spoon in 10 litres of water though) how much difference is that from a squirt of bleach ? or a camping water purifying tablet ? .. I have both of those to hand :-) nope pur...
A tea spoon of Chlorine crystals that is used in home spa pools works, Chlorine kills everything (literally NO more than a tea spoon in 10 litres of water though)
Caustic will clean algae from pipes but at the wrong concentration will also collapse the inside of the pipes. To get calcium based deposits out of a tube it needs to be acidic not alkaline. (Rockup = calcium deposits from water, especially hard water)
even after all these years I still end up doing the LaserShuffle every time something has to be aligned. I hate doing it, bloody aweful job when it goes wrong and some bright spark has moved the tube while you were out !!